niedziela, 15 marca 2020

Maintentance Tip: Ozone Generator

I recently acquired an ozone generator in order to do occasional cleaning of air-conditioning in my car and remove mites/mold from piece of clothes/plush toys/pillows etc.
I also thought about cleaning the typewriters with it :)

It can help kill smells and all bacteria on the device.

The one precaution that I did was to remove rubber parts - I read that ozon can harm the rubber. Maybe in 60-70 year old platen it won’t do any harm - It’s usually rock-hard already, but who know.... ;)

I putted the machine in the vacuum bag, so the ozone (that is also dangerous to the lungs!) won’t harm anybody and also for the better quality of process (the quantity of ozone particles are essential to the process)

One have to avoid the sunlight as well, because in some cases ozone and UV light can change the colour of plastic for example :)

2 komentarze:

  1. Interesting. Did this work to clean the typewriters, do you think?

  2. It's working in case of car air-conditioning.
    For typewriters it helps to get rid the odour for example - not all of it, but there is a difference.
    For oil and other "mechanical" grease - not working.
    For cigarettes smell - average effect
    Mold - good.

    I'll test it with the sun effect later :) It should be better according to some online test made by people.
